Dèan seòladh bhon bhriost
A dh’ionnsaigh Lampaigh is Claigean
Far am faighear iomhais
A dh’ionnsaigh Lampaigh is Claigean
Far am faighear iomhais
Set sail from the slip
bound for lampay and claigan
where treasure is found
bound for lampay and claigan
where treasure is found
Dining At Our Isle of Skye Seafood Restaurant
We look forward to welcoming you to our Michelin-starred Loch Bay restaurant.
Loch Bay is open Tuesday through Saturday evenings only. We offer two seating times: arrival at 6:45 PM for a 7:00 PM service, or arrival at 7:15 PM for a 7:30 PM service. The price of the menu is £160 per person.
Kindly note that due to our intimate setting in a remote rural location we require upfront payment for the menu to secure your reservation.
We invite you to visit our information page for further details. For all booking enquiries please visit our booking page.
Thank you for your interest in visiting us here in the North West of Skye.